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                        SIX THICK THUMBS eBook
                        BY STEVE CHARNEY      

Originally published by Troll National Book Clubs
                            This fun book has dozens of tonguetwisters in it as it tells the story of Tom who saves the town
of Twisterville from devastation. As you follow the tale, you can practice the tonguetwisters along with Tom.
Click on the top to hear Steve and his dummy Harry try to recite one of the tonguetwisters in the book.
(the entire CD  can be found on the Yellow album back on the Sales Page)




Buy this ebook with Paypal, a completely secure network. Once you buy it, you'll be sent the .epub file. This can be opened up in several free apps including Mobi, Adobe, Nook, Calibre, iBooksand others. But not Kindle.


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