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dinosaurCD                    downloadDINOSAURS! A compilation of three cassettes from "Dinostuff" Rocky T. Rex, Stella Stegosaurus and Andy Apatosaurus

DINOSAURS! is a collection of songs and comedy routines about dinosaurs. Some great musicians are helping Steve out here on his original songs.  If you prefer to buy the individual
cassette (Rocky, Stella or Andy) buy this one and send Steve a note that you want the individual one as well (free of charge). Here's the song list:


Stomp, Stomp, Stomp     Bigger is Better     Big Bones   Harry's Stegosaur    Up and Down     In My Closet      
Without Underwear      A Wonderful Life   Dinosaur Carousel   Bones, Bones, Bones    Steve's Handwriting      
My Pet Apatosaur        Driving Stegosaur    Betty Botter   Dinosaur, Haw,Haw,Haw     King Kong and Godzilla              
Knock Knocks     I Wanna Dinosaur     Dinosaur Parade 

 And Harry is all over this album (that was once a CD for Metacom) with his own shenanigans. Here's your chance to buy it through
Paypal, a completely secure network.

After buying the download we'll send you a link for the audio and artwork via dropbox.

Here are some samples from the album:


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